

When people move to a new city they are excited for new opportunities and community. People find it hard to find a way to build community once they move. They are unsure where or how to meet people, especially others with similar interests and hobbies.

Young adults (21-35) moving to Denver feel a lack of community. They’re biggest frustration is not hearing about local events in Denver.

Through competitive analysis discovered that 80% of users found it difficult to start conversations or meet up with strangers, individually.

Through competitive analysis discovered that 54% of users felt meet ups were unorganized and lacked variety in types of events.

As a result of User Interviews, determined that 90% of users felt they never know what events are happening in Denver. Users feel bored and frustrated not knowing how to explore Denver.

Through User Interviews discovered that 83% of users felt there is no centralized tool to learn about Denver events.

The Solution for young adults moving to Denver is a tool that connects city residents and newcomers by centralizing all local events in the area. Searching events can be customized for user preferences.

*** There's much more that goes on between research and hi fidelity prototypes. I'm happy to do a deep dive into my process upon request.

Created hi fidelity prototypes for three flows to receive feedback from users and make necessary improvements.

Homepage and Events

Create an account

Checkout process

Once we launch the platform would want to look at new user and user retention over a 6 month period. Including, the rate of users purchasing tickets through the platform.

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Nuuly: Enhancing Inventory Challenges